15 Reels Prompts To Grow Your Business

I know, I know, everyone is dancing to songs you’ve never heard of on instagram and the engagement on your usual static posts is like non-exisitent.

Don’t Freak Out!

You can use this algorithm change to your advantage, and I promise you don’t have to dance around to Cardi B unless that’s something you want to do! I dance in my IG Reels because I think its fun, and it shows my personality, but if that’s not you, there are LOTS of other options!

IG Reels don’t have to be hard! They are actually super fun! Just start small!

Here are 15 ideas/prompts to get you going, no matter what you choose, make it interesting to watch! Try adding music, switching up the background, crisp edits, well timed on-screen text, and props!

**pro-tip, if you don’t have the music feature, you can use “original audio” from other videos.**

  1. How do you package your products?

  2. What does your home office look like?

  3. How do you make your ___ ? (insert product/service)

  4. How does it feel when you sign a new client/make a sale

  5. Your face when you find a typo in an email you read 5 times

  6. A video of you working while your kids try to distract you

  7. How your customers/clients feel when they try your product/walk into your store etc.

  8. 5 reasons someone should hire a ___ (insert your service)

  9. 3 lessons you learned about your industry this year

  10. tools you use every day in your biz

  11. 5 ways clients can improve/increase their__ (whatever you help them with)

  12. Show your 3 favorite business books/favorite movies/netflix shows you binge to relax after a long day

  13. Funny arguments you have with your So (that everyone else probably has too)

  14. How you make your morning coffee/smoothie/anything

  15. Watch IG Reels/Tik Tok and look at all the recent trends, there is usually a way you can apply it to you or your biz!

Like most things in business, you probably won’t nail it right away! Reels is all about trial and error. Look at my profile! My reels started out ROUGH, and that’s totally fine!

Just get in the game, and make them your own. You’ll be fine!

Want even more prompts? I have a free resource!


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